Interested in Missions?
A brief meeting will be held immediately following the church service this Sunday, September 15 in the Gathering Room. We will discuss the upcoming South Dakota Mission Trip. For more information, please contact Heather Harkins (
Church-wide Potluck Breakfast
Join us for a breakfast fellowship on Sunday, September 22, 2004
in the Gathering Area during small group time (9:00-9:45 AM).
Bring a favorite breakfast food to share.
Church will provide water, coffee, milk, and orange juice.
There will be NO NURSERY during this time!
Please sign up at the Information Desk or in your small group.
RBC Men!
Make plans to join us Friday, September 27
for a night of encouragement, food, fellowship, and AXE throwing!
Please sign up at the Information Desk so we can plan for food.
Donations are appreciated (but not necessary) to help cover the cost of the event!
Fall Community Outreach
On Thursday, October 31, we will be setting up in four neighborhoods (2 Stockton locations, The Gardens, and Archer’s Cove in Springville) to hand out candy, popcorn, hot chocolate, and church promo items. Not only do we need candy donations (LOTS AND LOTS OF CANDY!!!), we also need volunteers to help at each location. Candy donations can be dropped off in the designated bin located in the Commons Area. To volunteer, sign-up at the Information Desk in the Commons Area at church, online, or just call the church office (205) 661-3722
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
We have the Christmas Tree up in the Worship Center
with empty boxes for you to take and fill!
Please take a box, fill it and return it to the tree.
It is time to put on your cape and volunteer in RidgeKids. Whether it is assisting in a small group class or serving during worship, your superpowers are needed.
If you can stand at the door, hand out Worship Guides and greet people with a smile on your face, YOU ARE NEEDED. Please contact Dell Walker at 205-531-3974 and let her know you will help.