
God has called us to serve those in need. Ridgecrest is committed to doing ministry the way Jesus did, and having the greatest Kingdom impact possible. Together, we are making a difference.
North American Mission Board
International Mission Board
Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief
With a hot shower and a hot meal. With a prayer. With love. All over America, we help people to clear away the debris, the mud and the ashes. We make God’s love real to those who desperately need it. We are 80,000 strong. We are trained and ready to respond to disaster and devastation with help, with healing and with hope. We are the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, and last year our members gave 59,583 of their days in the aid of people all over America — from wildfire victims in California to hurricane victims in Manhattan. If you would like to get involved with RBC’s disaster relief team, please contact the church office. For more information about Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, click HERE!
Chanku Waste Ranch in Porcupine, South Dakota
Life is not fully restored without a transformative relationship with Jesus. We share the gospel while meeting the physical needs for a restored life. Our partners and volunteers help us provide community access to real resources like rescue and recovery, safe relationships, shelter, health, and more. If you would like to get involved with RBC’s mission team to SD, please contact the church office. For more information about Chanku Waste Ranch, click HERE!
Designs For Hope
visit their website: designsforhope.org
Or call the church office at (205)661-3722
Serving You Ministries
visit their website: http://www.servingyou.org
Or contact the church office at (205)661-3722
The Well House Ministries

visit their website: http://www.the-wellhouse.org or contact Sondra Lee at (205)936-5214

The Jimmie Hale Mission
visit their website: https://jimmiehalemission.com
or contact the church office at (205)661-3722
Positive Choices

Contact Patsy Rogers at (205) 683-9519


Legacy Ridge Assisted Living

Contact church office at (205)661-3722

We take church to the members of the Sunrise RIdge community every Sunday morning.

Homebound Ministry
Contact church office at (205)661-3722
Lifeline Children’s Services

Contact Cheryl Walker at (205) 853-3033

Website: http://lifelinechild.org

Men on Missions – Construction Projects
Contact Allen Mattox at (205)807-2682
Women on Mission

Contact Sondra Lee at (205) 538-7333